
Or, Eichmann in Jerusalem

Thursday, December 2, 2010

To Dream Differently...Awake!

I intend to parse the three versions of the "code" presented in the first post but I also wanted to make clear my intention to point out instances, and these will be legion, where this code has not been honored. This will actually show that it is rarely if ever honored.

Chemistry is but a subset of the larger problem that is likely intrinsic to human intellection. The human wants desperately to master the natural world. Likely this is a simple impulse to not die. However, it is a monstrously destructive impulse that forgets it is in and of nature and cannot "manipulate" nature in order to move outside of it. Praying to Techne matters not a bit as this god is deaf to our pleas and moves about in the guise of any other god it day it is Nemesis, one day it is Zeus, one day it is Aphrodite, but is is also, Alchemy and Science and Progress. If we are the Alpha of History, it is our Omega unleashed by our own minds to wreak havoc upon us.

This is not a novel insight, of course I am a Chicken Little convinced that we will bring about our own end. I am simply hoping that it's much, much later than I suspect.

In the interim, in a hope to alter that course, I will try to reawaken your sense of evil in the world. It walks about and among us in the guise of the inevitable necessity of mechanical. I hope to dream a different dream.

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